No one likes the act of cleaning, no matter what type of cleaning you have to do. It’s a mundane task that can be very tedious and time-consuming. Whether it’s washing the dishes or scrubbing the bathroom, it’s all a chore that most people would love to skip. But what if there was a way for you to drastically reduce the amount of time you had to spend cleaning? Well, the good news is that you can. Expert cleaners have given some pretty sweet tricks to reduce your cleaning time. With some careful planning, you can use these professional hacks to clean your house in no time.
1. Set up a solid cleaning system

Having a good system is key to speed cleaning. Follow the same steps each time you clean to create a routine. This routine boosts your cleaning efficiency. The speed comes from the process, not from rushing. You can truly clean your home much faster. It’s not just a gimmick.
2. Clean from top to bottom and left to right

We often make cleaning harder by not realizing how we spread dirt. Many people clean what they notice first, and as they move, dirt from the previous area falls onto the clean space. Working from top to bottom and left to right ensures efficiency, avoiding the need to re-clean areas.
3. Be proactive in your cleaning

Preventive cleaning saves time in the long run by stopping dirt buildup. Spray cleaner after each shower to keep it clean. Just spray, rinse, and go. No need to wipe.
4. Keep the right cleaning tools handy

Having everything ready to use is a big time-saver. This means keeping things in their proper place.
5. Use lemons for cleaning

Lemons are great for cleaning. They naturally remove dirt, rust, and stains. Put lemon juice on the rust or stain and wait 10 minutes. For tough, old stains, use a hard brush too.
6. Tackle kitchen grease

s the main cause of a dirty kitchen. Grease buildup is hard to clean and takes a lot of time. Keep grease to a minimum with good dish soap. Mix one tablespoon of soap in a gallon of warm water.
7. Clean the tricky microwave

Microwaves can be hard to clean because food often gets stuck inside over time. Cleaning this gunk takes time and effort. But here’s a trick: use the microwave itself. Put a cup of water in the microwave until it boils. This creates moisture that loosens anything stuck on the top, sides, or bottom.
8. Get rid of bathroom mold

Mold often grows in bathrooms because they’re damp and not well-aired. Kill mold with hydrogen peroxide, letting it sit for 3 to 5 minutes. Prevent mold by turning on the bathroom fan during showers.
10. Prevent mineral buildup

You might want to scrub mineral deposits from hard water with a brush. But this can damage your faucets. Instead, use white vinegar and a cloth. This is gentler on your fixtures and will make them shine like new.
11. Learn to love the magic eraser

This tool is a game-changer for cleaning. Experts love these erasers because you can use them on almost anything. Clean bathtubs, countertops, walls, and floors like tile, laminate, and even wood. They save time compared to constant scrubbing and spraying.