Although every woman expresses love in her own unique way, there are certain behaviors you should look out for if you want to be certain that the love of your life truly loves you. In this article, we will list eight signs that your woman’s feelings for you are genuine.
1. She isn’t shy about sharing her dreams and desires with you

When it comes to relationships, some partners are hesitant to open up about their wants and, in particular, their sexual desires because they’re afraid of being judged. But if you are a supportive guy who encourages open communication, you can be certain she will embrace this philosophy and bare her soul because she loves you.
2. She allows herself to be vulnerable

Surrendering yourself to somebody even when you face the risk of rejection is not easy to do, but when a woman lets her guard down in spite of this possibility, she is signaling that she trusts you and feels comfortable enough to share her feelings of anxiety and sadness, as well as happiness and joy. She is even willing to seek your guidance, as it will help her improve herself as a person, which in turn will help the relationship thrive.
3. She supports all of your endeavors

A true sign that she loves you is a willingness to support your goals and dreams. This could be something as simple as giving you a surprise gift to celebrate a promotion at work, or it could even mean moving to a new town with you as you pursue a new job or graduate school. She does this precisely because she knows that if the positions were reversed, you would do the same for her.
4. She is eager to pick up new hobbies

Given that she loves you, it comes as no surprise that she would want to seek every opportunity to spend time doing things you both could enjoy together. For instance, if you are an avid bicyclist, she might just pick up the hobby herself. Or you could both attend a masterclass and learn how to do something together, such as cooking or painting. She understands that couples who develop common interests have stronger relationships, and that’s exactly what she wants with you!
5. She is willing to care for you when you’re sick

When you’ve got the flu or a case of food poisoning, you’re in for a miserable time. But when your significant other rearranges her plans to make sure you are nursed back to good health, that is a clear indication that you are the love of her life. Whether it’s making you a hot bowl of soup, fluffing up your pillow, or even cleaning up after you when your stomach disagrees with the food you’ve eaten, it takes true patience and dedication to look after someone who’s feeling under the weather.
6. She respects your boundaries

If she loves you, it means she’s reached a high level of comfort in the relationship. She knows that when you are out with your friends, she doesn’t need to text you every 5 minutes to make sure you are on your best behavior. She also doesn’t pressure you to change who you are. Instead, she accepts who you are and respects your opinions, even if they differ from hers.
7. She is fully committed to you

She makes it clear that she sees a future with you. She expresses this by discussing long-term plans, including where you two might want to settle, your opinion on raising children, your respective lifestyles, and what challenges your relationship might face as time goes along. The fact that she has given so much thought to all of this indicates that she sees you as the man for her.
8. Pay attention to those little details
When she gets her nails done, puts on a new color of lipstick, or styles her hair in a different fashion, let her know you notice. Only a man who really loves his wife would be so observant!