30 Iconic Moments in Social Media OF Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s 😍

There are not so many celebrities in Hollywood who are as warm-hearted as Dwayne “ the Rock” Johnson. The 10-time WWE champion celebrated his birthday recently and he already has a fantastic gift: being a dad to three amazing daughters – Tiana (2), Jasmine (5) and Simone (18).

If you take a look at his massive arms, you wouldn’t think, he is like a big teddy bear inside. He loves to spend quality time with his beloved wife and his 3 daughters and is eager to share the sweetest moments of their life with fans via Instagram.

We’ve collected his most memorable moments on social media for this special occasion.

1. A Very Special Manicure for “Papa Bear “


The action movie star (aka “Papa bear”) shared a photo of himself getting his nails done by a very special manicurist: his daughter Jasmine Lia, revealing he is unable to say no to his little girl (whom he calls “Jazzy”), even is she wants to paint his nails pink. He is always patient and permissive with her, because he wants her to reveal all of the artistic fantasies she has. If his daughter wants him to be a Disney princess, he’s going to be one!

